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Sexual Harassment Policy

Maintaining a Positive Creative Space
NTC Sexual Harassment Policy, April 2016
We are honored to have your participation as a Novato Theater Company cast or crew member. To ensure the safety and wellbeing of all, the Novato Theater Company Board of Directors adopted a sexual harassment policy in April 2016. We now ask that you become aware of the policy components. We hope you agree that your efforts here will contribute greatly to our overall success as a vibrant and healthy community theater group.   Below is a summary of our policy. Please request a full copy of the policy from one of the Board members if you so choose. 
Novato Theater Company Board of Directors, April 2016
Sexual Harassment Policy Summary
Novato Theater Company is committed to maintaining a work environment for all members of its theater community that is free of unlawful harassment, including sexual harassment. A crucial part of Novato Theater Company’s culture is respect for one another; no member of the Novato Theater Company community should take unfair personal advantage of another member of the community.   Unwelcome sexual advances, requests for sexual favors, and other verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature constitute sexual harassment when:   1. Submission to such conduct is made either explicitly or implicitly a term or condition of an individual’s involvement with Novato Theater Company.   2. Submission to or rejection of such conduct by an individual is used as the basis for decisions affecting that individual.   3. Such conduct has the purpose or effect of unreasonably interfering with an individual's performance or creating an intimidating, hostile, or offensive environment. The test is not whether the person participated voluntarily; the test is whether the conduct was unwelcome.   A member of the Novato Theater Company community, who believes he or she has been subjected to harassment, including sexual harassment, should review the organization’s policy. There are several courses of action available to address the problem, each with different consequences and implications with respect to confidentiality and resultant action. These options are not mutually exclusive. The complainant may choose which course to follow and may submit a formal complaint at any time. There is an informal path available if preferred. Below are the components to the formal process.  Again, don’t hesitate to request a copy of the full policy from one of the Board members.

Details of the Formal Complaint Process

Formal complaints of harassment can be made orally or in writing, but if made orally should, in the end, be reduced to writing. ï‚· Complaints should be brought to the attention of one of the Novato Theater Company Board of Directors (Within a reasonable length of time the accused party (“the respondent”) will be notified of the nature of the complaint, and an investigation will begin. If administrative changes are needed to protect the rights of the complainant during the investigation, the appropriate administrators shall see that they are made. ï‚· A formal acknowledgment of the complaint will be communicated within 48 hours of receipt. An interview with the complainant will be scheduled within 10 days; and investigation and a recommendation will transpire within 45 days. All efforts will be made to reach resolution within 60 days of receipt of the complaint. An individual, a committee, or an outside consultant may conduct the investigation. The purpose of the investigation is to determine the facts relating to the complaint. ï‚· Each individual or team member who conducts and investigation will be trained in various aspects of harassment. ï‚· The complainant and respondent will be informed of the relevant procedures, and will have an opportunity to comment on the suitability of the investigator(s). ï‚· The organization’s harassment policies and policy against retaliation will be reviewed with both parties. The complainant and respondent shall be given the opportunity to present their cases separately to the investigator(s) and to suggest others who might be interviewed. Subsequently the investigator(s) can, if appropriate, interview other parties to reach findings and conclusions. ï‚· All parties who participate in investigative interviews may submit written statements. Investigatory meetings will not be recorded. ï‚· The investigator(s) will summarize for the respondent the evidence in support of the complaint to allow the respondent the opportunity to reply. The investigation will remain confidential to the extent possible. ï‚· Findings and conclusions in the case will be reported to the respondent (or if the respondent is a minor, to respondent’s parent or guardian) within 30 days of the conclusion of the investigation. In addition, the report will include recommendations regarding resolution and sanctions, as well as measures to prevent the occurrence of similar instances. ï‚· Exceptions to or modifications of these procedures can be made by the Board of Directors, if required for fairness or practical necessity. Exceptions must be made in writing and notice provided to both the complainant and respondent. Other administrative issues regarding the conduct of the investigation will be decided by the Board of Directors, as needed. ï‚· Investigative files are confidential and will be maintained in the appropriate administrator’s office.

(415) 883-4498

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